About: TheExerscientist

About: TheExerscientist

TheExerscientist is an independent publication and blog launched by Jemma Turner. TheExerscientist aims to provide un-jargonised science communication relating to health, exercise, and lifestyle. The ultimate goal of TheExerscientist is to act as a resource to improve quality of life and wellbeing using science and evidence-based healthcare and information.

About Jemma | Jemma is an Accredited Exercise Scientist (AES) with a Bachelor of Exercise Science from Griffith University, she is also a personal trainer, a certified gymnastics coach, and has a Masters in Medical Research. Jemma also has additional micro-credentials in nutrition and data analytics. She has been in the health and fitness industry for the last decade coaching competitive gymnastics, powerlifting and OLY, and working as a personal trainer.

2016 | Gymnastics Coach Certification
2020 | Bachelor of Exercise Science, Griffith University
2022 | Certification in Health AI and Data Analytics, MIT&NASA
2022 | Master of Medical Research (Human Movement), Griffith University

Why I created TheExerscientist | Jemma is a published author in scientific journals and currently works in exercise oncology research. After her Masters, Jemma was horrified by the vast mis- and dis-information plastered over the internet regarding health, exercise, and lifestyle management. To add insult to injury, the scientific community gatekeeps health and lifestyle advice through paywalls and privilege (further expanded in some posts). Hence, TheExerscientist was born to provide digestible and up-to-date health and exercise science for all.

My fitness philosophy | I strongly believe in resistance training, weight lifting, and strength training is integral to health and fitness at all ages. In addition to cardiorespiratory exercise, I encourage all people from all walks of life to add weight training to their lives. I am dedicated to helping women and mothers incorporate resistance training into their routines due to the mental and physical benefits of being strong.

My main topics of interest | My main topics of interest include exercise science, behaviour change strategies, exercise for mothers and postpartum women, exercise and the menstrual cycle, internet "fitness hype", human nutrition, and performance.

I am passionate about health and exercise

I want to help as many people as possible add enjoyable exercise to their lives.

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My ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7942-250X

My LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jemma-turner-ab3942161