Strength for Health

Strength for Health

Weight lifting, battle ropes, and glute bands are all forms of resistance exercise. Resistance training, specifically designed for increases in strength, muscle size, or muscular endurance has a number of health benefits including improved physical performance, movement control, walking speed, functional independence, cognitive abilities, and self esteem - it can even improve libido and sexual health outcomes. Because of the great health benefits, resistance training is recommended for a variety of populations and is great for individuals looking to recover from injury or some chronic illnesses.

Resistance training can also 'recharge' your resting metabolism! Greater muscle volume typically burns more calories for tissue maintenance immediately after exercise, but also in the long run. Long-term resistance training can also reduce abdominal fat, particularly visceral (deep) fat around our organs. Recent evidence is also showing that resistance training alone can resist the onset of type II diabetes and high blood pressure.

Resistance training doesn't have to be purely weight lifting. Aqua Aerobics is a great, low impact form of resistance training that is fun and sociable, as well as Pilates and Gymnastics. Incorporating resistance training in some form into your weekly workout can improve your health and wellbeing for life!

Contact your local Accredited Exercise Scientist/Physiologist for more information about incorporating strength and resistance training into your lifestyle.

All above information is sourced from the American College of Sports Medicine.


Westcott, W. L. (2012). Resistance Training is Medicine, Effects of Strength Training on Health. Current Sports Medicine Reports, 11(4), pp 209-216. doi: 10.1249/JSR.0b013e31825dabb8

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